Saturday, December 21, 2013

True Beauty

We live in a world that preaches “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” but our actions show differently.
A world in which “size doesn’t matter” but few can say that with honesty.
A world in which we proclaim “true beauty is in your heart” yet we cake on our make just to fit the part.

Now I have believed every one of those statements but I have also disowned every one. I cannot go a single day without judging myself or someone else nor without looking in the mirror thinking I could be prettier or thinner. As a girl I feel I am more prone to these thoughts but I also know guys suffer too. This world suffers.
We live in a world where enough is never enough. And that is thrown into our faces every single day whether it be from the media or from people. 

The standards this world sets are far beyond our reach.

Maybe if I just skip a few meals I’ll get there...
Maybe if I run a few extra miles I’ll get there...
Maybe if I wear the same clothes as she/he does or do my hair/makeup the same I’ll get there...

Get to where exactly? To a place where we can feel good about ourselves for a day, a month, maybe even a year? But then get thrown right back to where we were before because what we thought was enough just changed because enough is never enough. We’ll get to a place where we feel like we fit in because we’re dressing like those girls/guys on TV and then that season ends and a new one begins.

I live in world where enough is never enough, but I serve a God in which He is enough. A God who doesn’t measure my beauty in pounds or fashion sense. A God who I don’t need to dress up for, physically or mentally. He takes me where I am. He takes me as I am. 

Let’s go back to the beginning:

“God saw all that He made and it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31) 
Now I wasn’t there but I am pretty positive Adam and Eve were not wearing Uggs or Jordan’s or any of the latest fashions items. In fact they were naked. (“Adam and his wife were both naked” Genesis 2:25) Yet God looked at them and said “it was good”. What could be more fulfilling than the King of Kings looking at you and saying “You are good.”? Nothing. The answer is nothing because worth in Christ is more fulfilling than having worth in this world. I will not live a day in which the world will turn and look at me and say “You are good.”, but I now live every day with my Savior constantly reminding me that I am. 

Those new clothes, the new makeup, the ten pound weight loss will not give you true beauty or true worth. What will is Christ. He makes you beautiful. Let Him step inside your heart and you will be amazed.

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